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September 8 - October 21, 2022

Generations of Art
Brian Paulsen, Dianne Paulsen
& Ellie Knudsvig

Artists reception; Thursday September 8th, 

5 - 7 pm

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Brian Paulsen

Art for me, is still a task, a challenge, a frustration and a satisfaction when something is completed that emulates the effort put forth.

          Over the last 10 years I have tried several changes.  Miniaturing the imagery, using color pencils, a ball point pen and improvising without imagist regarding subject matter choices. 

          I have not favorite artist . . . I try to view most quality art as influential and inspiring.


Brian Paulsen


Short Bio                                                     



M.F.A. Degree, Washington State University, 1966.

B.A. Degree, University of Washington, 1963.


Teaching Experience:

Chico State College, Chico, California, 1966-71.

University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1971-73.                                               University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. 1973-2007.

                  Retired, Dec. 31, 2007, Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor, Emeritus



National Endowment for the Arts, Artist Fellowship Award, 1981-1982.

Elected to the National Academy of Design, NYC in 1995.

Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor Award, UND, 1990.

Listed in “Who’s Who in American Art” since 1977.



Exhibited since 1962 in over 1900 juried national exhibits, 90 solo exhibits and 250 invitational exhibits.  Included in 9 print portfolios, over 100 exhibit catalogs, several magazine articles, plus a recent hardcover book on myself and my art work.


Group exhibits include the Whitney Museum, NYC; Watercolor USA; Rocky Mountain National Water Media; Watercolor West Print Annual; North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, ND.  Boston Print International; Colorprint USA; Galex National; Artlink; Parkside Natl. Small Print Show; Western Colorado Watercolor Society.  Print Alliance and galleries in Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Fargo, Kansas City and Racine WI. 


Included in over 40 individual art collections.


Juried over 9 national exhibits.        

Dianne Paulsen

My obsession with the Temari ball started with a visit to my brother and his wife in Arizona.  At a craft show, while there, I saw someone selling Temari Balls and asked her about the process.  She said next time I come to visit she would teach me.  So, the next year when visiting I prepared myself with a basic premade Temari Ball and threads required.  She taught me how to stitch on the ball.  As I was walking back to my brothers place another woman walking by me said “oh you do Temari”, I said, “just learned”.  She asked who I was staying with and she knew my brother so she invited me down the next day and showed me how to make the ball from scratch. 

I was then hooked!  In the fall of 2015, I signed up for an on line class with Barbara B. Suess, Certified Japanese Temari Instructor and author of many Temari Books.

In March, 2016 I completed the course and applied for the Japan Temari Association Certification by showing 4 completed techniques.  I did receive the Certification but can’t read what is being said on the certificate!

I loved the techniques and challenges of making the Temari Balls and enjoy still making them on occasion and having them in my home in large glass jars.


Dianne Paulsen


Dianne Paulsen will have workshop on October on Tamari Ball. More info coming  soon.



Originally from China, the Temari was used as a kick ball and made from deerskin.  When it came to Japan women would construct them from the remnants of old kimonos.  They would use these balls for the children to play with.  Sometimes they would put a small box in the center with a bell, rice, or other trinkets to make noise for the children.  As time passed, traditional Temari became an art, with the functional stitching becoming more decorative and detailed. Temari are highly valued and cherished gifts, symbolizing deep friendship and loyalty.


Short Bio:

Dianne Paulsen, Retired, Board Member/Treasurer. 


Dianne is a Fiber Artist with interests in spinning, weaving, knitting, beading, chainmaille, bobbin lace, Temari (Japanese stitching), Saami Jewelry and basket making.  She has been a member of the Fiber Arts Guild of the Red River Valley for over 30 years.  She is an active member of the arts community having served over 18 years as a board member of North Valley Arts Council, ArtWise, the Empire Arts Center, and present treasurer and board member of Muddy Waters Clay Center.  “I has great respect and admiration for the Arts in Grand Forks and all those who participate and support the Arts community”.



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Ellie Knudsivg  Acrylic Painting (2).jpeg

Ellie Knudsvig

Growing up, I have been in the company of many wonderful artists and art appreciators as my family. Thanks to the wonderful opportunities I have been given from family members on both sides, I have been able to express my artistic interests and abilities from a young age.

Since before I could hold a pencil myself, I have been able to take in the beauty of the art making process.

I am so excited to be able to exhibit with the people that have taught me so much about art and life. My work in this exhibit centers around my development as an individual and an artist through the past 18 years of my life.


Ellie Knudsvig

Columbia Mall

Suite #240

2800 S Columbia Rd

Grand Forks, ND 58201



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The ArtWise mission is to enhance the Greater Grand Forks community through educational visual art programs and exhibition space for youth, families, and artists.

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